This page gathers the differents CSS specifications and their current implementations in DragonFly.
You can find the specifications here
CSS Property | Is Implemented |
azimuth | ❌ |
background-attachment | ❌ |
background-color | ❌ |
background-image | ❌ |
background-position | ❌ |
background-repeat | ❌ |
background | ❌ |
border-collapse | ❌ |
border-color | ✅ |
border-spacing | ❌ |
border-style | ❌ |
border-top | ✅ |
border-right | ✅ |
border-bottom | ✅ |
border-left | ✅ |
border-top-color | ✅ |
border-right-color | ✅ |
border-bottom-color | ✅ |
border-left-color | ✅ |
border-top-style | ❌ |
border-right-style | ❌ |
border-bottom-style | ❌ |
border-left-style | ❌ |
border-top-width | ✅ |
border-right-width | ✅ |
border-bottom-width | ✅ |
border-left-width | ✅ |
border-width | ❌ |
border | ✅ |
bottom | ❌ |
caption-side | ❌ |
clear | ❌ |
clip | ❌ |
color | ✅ |
content | ❌ |
counter-increment | ❌ |
counter-reset | ❌ |
cue-after | ❌ |
cue-before | ❌ |
cue | ❌ |
cursor | ❌ |
direction | ❌ |
display | ❌ |
elevation | ❌ |
empty-cells | ❌ |
float | ❌ |
font-family | ❌ |
font-size | ✅ |
font-style | ❌ |
font-variant | ❌ |
font-weight | ✅ |
font | ❌ |
height | ❌ |
left | ❌ |
letter-spacing | ✅ |
line-height | ✅ |
list-style-image | ❌ |
list-style-position | ❌ |
list-style-type | ❌ |
list-style | ❌ |
margin-bottom | ✅ |
margin-left | ✅ |
margin-right | ✅ |
margin-top | ✅ |
margin | ✅ |
max-height | ✅ |
max-width | ✅ |
min-height | ✅ |
min-width | ✅ |
orphans | ❌ |
outline-color | ❌ |
outline-style | ❌ |
outline-width | ❌ |
outline | ❌ |
overflow | ❌ |
padding-bottom | ✅ |
padding-left | ✅ |
padding-right | ✅ |
padding-top | ✅ |
padding | ✅ |
page-break-after | ❌ |
page-break-before | ❌ |
page-break-inside | ❌ |
pause-after | ❌ |
pause-before | ❌ |
pause | ❌ |
pitch | ❌ |
pitch-range | ❌ |
play-during | ❌ |
position | ❌ |
quotes | ❌ |
richness | ❌ |
right | ❌ |
speak-header | ❌ |
speak-numeral | ❌ |
speak-punctuation | ❌ |
speak | ❌ |
speech-rate | ❌ |
stress | ❌ |
table-layout | ❌ |
text-align | ✅ |
text-decoration | ❌ |
text-indent | ❌ |
text-transform | ❌ |
top | ❌ |
unicode-bidi | ❌ |
vertical-align | ❌ |
visibility | ❌ |
voice-family | ❌ |
volume | ❌ |
white-space | ❌ |
widows | ❌ |
width | ❌ |
word-spacing | ❌ |
z-index | ❌ |
CSS Selectors
You can find the specifications here
Total CSS selectors implemented : 3/5 ❌
CSS Selector | Is Implemented | Level |
* | ✅ | 2 |
E | ✅ | 1 |
E:not(s1, s2, …) | ❌ | 3/4 |
E:is(s1, s2, …) | ❌ | 4 |
E:where(s1, s2, …) | ❌ | 4 |
E:has(rs1, rs2, …) | ❌ | 4 |
E.warning | ▶️ | 1 |
E#myid | ❌ | 1 |
E[foo] | ❌ | 2 |
E[foo="bar"] | ❌ | 2 |
E[foo="bar" i] | ❌ | 4 |
E[foo="bar" s] | ❌ | 4 |
E[foo~="bar"] | ❌ | 2 |
E[foo^="bar"] | ❌ | 3 |
E[foo$="bar"] | ❌ | 3 |
E[foo*="bar"] | ❌ | 3 |
E[foo|="en"] | ❌ | 2 |
E:dir(ltr) | ❌ | 4 |
E:lang(zh, "*-hant") | ❌ | 2/4 |
E:any-link | ❌ | 4 |
E:link | ❌ | 1 |
E:visited | ❌ | 1 |
E:local-link | ❌ | 4 |
E:target | ❌ | 3 |
E:target-within | ❌ | 4 |
E:scope | ❌ | 4 |
E:current | ❌ | 4 |
E:current(s) | ❌ | 4 |
E:past | ❌ | 4 |
E:future | ❌ | 4 |
E:active | ❌ | 1 |
E:hover | ❌ | 2 |
E:focus | ❌ | 2 |
E:focus-within | ❌ | 4 |
E:focus-visible | ❌ | 4 |
E:enabled | ❌ | 3 |
E:disabled | ❌ | 3 |
E:read-write | ❌ | 3-UI/4 |
E:read-only | ❌ | 3-UI/4 |
E:placeholder-shown | ❌ | 3-UI/4 |
E:default | ❌ | 3-UI/4 |
E:checked | ❌ | 3 |
E:indeterminate | ❌ | 4 |
E:valid | ❌ | 3-UI/4 |
E:invalid | ❌ | 3-UI/4 |
E:in-range | ❌ | 3-UI/4 |
E:out-of-range | ❌ | 3-UI/4 |
E:required | ❌ | 3-UI/4 |
E:optional | ❌ | 3-UI/4 |
E:blank | ❌ | 4 |
E:user-invalid | ❌ | 4 |
E:root | ❌ | 3 |
E:empty | ❌ | 3 |
E:nth-child(n [of S]?) | ❌ | 3/4 |
E:nth-last-child(n [of S]?) | ❌ | 3/4 |
E:first-child | ❌ | 2 |
E:last-child | ❌ | 3 |
E:only-child | ❌ | 3 |
E:nth-of-type(n) | ❌ | 3 |
E:nth-last-of-type(n) | ❌ | 3 |
E:first-of-type | ❌ | 3 |
E:last-of-type | ❌ | 3 |
E:only-of-type | ❌ | 3 |
E F | ❌ | 1 |
E > F | ❌ | 2 |
E + F | ❌ | 2 |
E ~ F | ❌ | 3 |
F || E | ❌ | 4 |
E:nth-col(n) | ❌ | 4 |
E:nth-last-col(n) | ❌ | 4 |
Text Decoration
CSS Property | Is Implemented |
text-decoration-line | ❌ |
text-decoration-style | ❌ |
text-decoration-color | ❌ |
text-decoration | ❌ |
text-underline-position | ❌ |
text-emphasis-style | ❌ |
text-emphasis-color | ❌ |
text-emphasis | ❌ |
text-emphasis-position | ❌ |
text-shadow | ❌ |
CSS Property | Is Implemented |
text-transform | ❌ |
white-space | ❌ |
tab-size | ❌ |
word-break | ❌ |
line-break | ❌ |
hyphens | ❌ |
overflow-wrap | ❌ |
text-align | ✅ |
text-align-all | ❌ |
text-align-last | ❌ |
text-justify | ❌ |
word-spacing | ❌ |
letter-spacing | ✅ |
text-indent | ❌ |
hanging-punctuation | ❌ |